The Kinds of Noun | English By Zahid Sir

The Kinds of Noun | English By Zahid Sir

The Kinds of Noun | English By Zahid Sir

Before understanding nouns and its types, we have to understand parts of speech.

Parts of speech are those groups into which words are divided according to the function in a sentence. And basically, there are a total of 8 parts of speech.

1. Noun

2. Pronoun

3. Adjective

4. Verb

5. Adverb

6. Preposition

7. Conjunction

8. Interjection


 These parts of speech play a very important role in a sentence and they have different roles to play. 

For example: I live in Delhi.


I= pronoun

live= verb

in= preposition

Delhi= noun.

So basically we understand the rules of parts of speech to use one particular word appropriately in a sentence and these words function in their own ways in different types of sentences.


In this particular blog, along with understanding noun, we will also go through its kinds to understand it in the best possible manner.

Noun is a naming word which is used to name a thing, a place, an animal, a substance, an idea, a feeling, etc.

For example: Rahul, Delhi, India, chair, table, pen, mobile, milk, oil, sky, etc.


 What are the kinds of noun?

There are many kinds of noun and we will understand them one by one and we will also know how they are used in a particular sentence.

1. Common noun:  It is used to refer to general things, places, or persons.

For example: person, boy, color, country, flower, girl, etc.

 Our country is beautiful.

 Do you like flowers?


2. Proper noun: It is used to refer to specific things, places, and persons.

For example:  Rahul, Amit, Yellow, India, Rose, Sita, etc.

Rahul does not go there.

India is great.


3. Concrete noun: It refers to those things which come under materials and they are usable by five senses. They can be smelt, touched, tasted, seen as well as heard.

 For example: table, chair, mobile, house, milk, etc.

The milk was very hot.

This table is new as it was bought yesterday.


4. Abstract noun:  It refers to those things which are not usable by five senses as they cannot be seen, touched, tasted, smelt, or heard but they can just be felt. 

For example: love, freedom, anger, hate, honesty, happiness, deception, liberty, etc.

Honesty is always appreciated by everyone.

Everybody likes freedom.


5. Compound noun: It refers to a noun which is made up of two or more words.

For example: snowfall, haircut, blackboard, ice cream, tube light, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, etc.

The ice cream was very tasty.

I got my haircut done yesterday.


6. Collective noun:  It refers to something which is singular in nature but it denotes a group of objects or persons.

For example: team, class, group, bunch, heap, set, etc.

 There is a class of students.

A team of cricketers was passing through a hotel.


7. Material noun:  It refers to a thing as a material or a substance from which other things are made.

For example: silver, diamond, gold, cotton, iron, milk, water, wood, etc.

 This table is made up of wood.

Silver, diamond, gold are used to make different types of jewelry.


8. Countable noun:  It refers to a thing which can be counted.

For example: table, chair, pen, book, computer, fan, etc.

I have a new pen today.

Do you read some books every day?


9. Uncountable noun: It refers to those things which cannot be counted.

For example:  water, milk, rice, oil, hair, etc.

Whenever we feel thirsty, we drink water.

Oil is used while cooking different types of dishes.



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